Getting a college coach's candid evaluation of your son or daughter's talent is a defining moment in the recruiting process.
And then there's the money issue.
How do you bring up your athlete's chances of a scholarship and get an honest response? In fact, how do you get honest responses about other things you have on your mind?
In this episode, author and recruiting expert Jon Fugler gives insight on the right time to ask coaches about money and scholarships. He also shares three things that will help you get honest feedback an information from college coaches.
Even though you want honest information, in some ways there's a fear in receiving it. Fear of rejection, financial disappointment, ticking off the coach and a number of other fears. Jon helps you get over those fears.
This episode is brought to you by Jon's new book, The Athletic Scholarship Playbook, the most highly rated book on recruiting and athletic scholarships on Amazon.
How to Get an Athletic Scholarship free download.