Last week's episode, epi 269, was about ROI, Return on Investment and I explained that is was rare to get a full ride athletic scholarship. Myth #5 of the Recruit-Me 3.0 Athletic Scholarship System says there is a myth that Most athletic scholarships are full rides. So this episode, epi 270, prepares you for the many expenses of college like tuition, meal plans, housing and campus fees. This episode covers the challenges of paying for NCAA Division 1, Division 2 and Division 3 college tuitions and also NAIA level college tuitions. I show you how private and public college prices are different and that the range of yearly tuitions run from $7500 per year to up to $60,000 per year just for a year of classes. Each level of athletic play has different rules on scholarships. See the differences and how scholarships can bring down the tuition sticker price to make playing your sport and going to classes more affordable.
Don't be scared off by the high sticker prices of some schools, but don't assume that an athletic scholarship will pay for your whole education either.
Take advantage of the new Fall Special on the Recruit-Me 3.0 Athletic Scholarship System. Normal price is $127, but the Fall Special is reduced to $99. Go to for more information and click the Get Access button to purchase this money saving and time saving recruiting system.
Recruit-Me 3.0 Athletic Scholarship System, Fall Special $99
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