
The Recruit-Me Athletic Scholarship Podcast with Brent Hanks

This is the podcast for parents and athletes that explores every aspect of recruiting and athletic scholarships. It’s coaching you can apply to your family’s athletic scholarship pursuit. Recruit-Me Owner & CEO Brent Hanks is your host. You'll hear practical insights that you can apply from Brent and other recruiting experts, college coaches, NCAA officials and college planners.
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The Recruit-Me Athletic Scholarship Podcast with Brent Hanks











All Episodes
Now displaying: 2021
Dec 28, 2021

Episode 282 is about Myth #3 About Athletic Scholarships.  Myth #3 is "I can trust everything the coaches say and promise during the recruiting process".  Find out some real truths about this Myth #3.  Find out about over-recruiting and "little white lies" that many college coaches do. Not all, well maybe all, do.  College coaches court 5 to 10 recruits for 1 spot on the team.  College coaches tell the recruit that you will play from day 1 on campus or you will get your favorite locker that you saw on your campus visit.  Get more details by listening to this episode.

The end of this episode gives a look into the Record-Keeping section of The Athletic Scholarship 24 Month Planner & Journal book.  See more about this book at or contact me at   I remind you to go back and listen to Episode 281 and click on the webpage to hear and see a great, new recruiting resource.  

FREE Recruiting Power Pack

Listen to All Episodes of The Athletic Scholarship Podcast

Holiday Special, Recruit-Me 3.0 Athletic Scholarship System


Dec 21, 2021

I'm excited to introduce the Recruit-Me families to a fun, new and exciting recruiting resource.  QR Recruiter and is owned and developed by Wayne Woolsey, a father of current high school student-athletes and a youth baseball coach in NW Arkansas.  

The original interview lasted for 1 hour and this episode is just 1 of the many episodes that I will filter in throughout the first part of 2022.  Today, Wayne and I talk about the basics of the QR Recruiter and how the concept will inexpensively help the high school recruit to get his or her information out to coaches quickly and effectively.  This unique resource will not only catch a coach's eye, but give that coach the athlete's player profile, video, stats, academics and schedule in 2 seconds.  

I encourage you to go to now and if you are interested in the $35 Player Draft Tag option, please use the promo code RecruitMe5 to let Wayne know you heard about the QR Recruiter through Recruit-Me.  

Merry Christmas! I hope your family is well and enjoys their break from both school and work.  This is a great time to reinvigorate or start your recruiting process.

FREE Recruiting Power Pack

Recruit-Me 3.0 Athletic Scholarship System

Holiday Special, Recruit-Me 3.0 System

All Episode of The Athletic Scholarship Podcast

Recruit-Me Resources


Dec 14, 2021

Episode 280 is a continuation of a series that give you the 10 Myths About Athletic Scholarships.  Last week's episode, Episode 279, was about Myth #1 About Athletic Scholarships, "If my child is good enough, the college coaches will find him or her".  Go to and click on the Podcast tab to listen to all the past The Athletic Scholarship Podcasts.  

Today I cover Myth #2 About Athletic Scholarships.  Myth #2 is "If I'm talented, the coach can get me into the school despite poor grades".  You'll find out the Truth about this myth.  You can get all 10 Myths and much, much more in the Recruit-Me 3.0 Athletic Scholarship System.  Go to to get more information.  

Listen to get an in depth look into this myth.  Learn about:

  • NCAA, NAIA and JUCO requirements
  • Other college requirements
  • GPA and Test Scores
  • How grades will effect your ability to get recruited

Join me next week for a great, new recruiting resource,

FREE Athletic Power Pack

Holiday Special, $99, Recruit-Me 3.0 Athletic Scholarship System

Recruiting Checklist

The Athletic Scholarship 24 Month Planner and Journal

All Athletic Scholarship Podcast Episodes

Dec 7, 2021

Episode 279 is the start of a series of the 10 Myths About Athletic Scholarships.  Myth #1 About Athletic Scholarships is "If my child is good enough, the college coaches will find him or her." You can find the other 9 myths in the Step-by-Step Recruit-Me Manual of the Recruit-Me 3.0 Athletic Scholarship System.  You can get more information on the Recruit-Me 3.0 System at

This episode states Myth #1 About Athletic Scholarships and the real truth behind the myth, plus I go in depth on how a small percentage of high school student-athletes get to play in college, how contacting college coaches yourself is important, how college have a low monetary budget and low amounts of time to recruit, and the tools you have to have to help contact and "market" yourself or the student-athlete to college coaches.  

Take advantage of the FREE Recruiting Power Pack that you can get on  This is a great way to get a feel for what it takes to get on the  journey.  Then if you want to push on down the recruiting road, take advantage of the Recruit-Me 3.0 Athletic Scholarship System.  The Recruit-Me 3.0 System is normally $127, but I have a Holiday Special for only $99, plus I will send you the Recruiting Checklist full of 9 categories for guide you through the recruiting process.  You can normally only get the Recruiting Checklist by buying The Athletic Scholarship 24 Month Planner and Journal written by Jon Fuglar, the founder of Recruit-Me or by buying the Recruiting Checklist for $1 on  You can get the The Athletic Scholarship 24 Month Planner and Journal by contacting me at or on Amazon for only $20.  

Recruit-Me 3.0 Athletic Scholarship System

FREE Recruiting Power Pack

All Athletic Scholarship Podcasts

The Athletic Scholarship 24 Month Planner and Journal

Recruiting Checklist



Nov 30, 2021

Episode 278 is a great mix on advice from past Athletic Scholarship Podcast interviews over the last year and a half.  I have been fortunate to have done interviews with college coaches, present and former college athletes and parents of current players and past college players.  Listen to this episode to get advice from each unique experience.  Some of the best advice comes from people that do the recruiting and from people that have been recruited or had their kids recruited.  

This episode covers subjects like taking the initiative, getting your 1st offer, learn to talk to coaches, learn lessons on being an adult, getting on a coach's radar, being honest as you talk to your high school or club coach and being prepared to not be the 'top dog' as you enter college.  

I also finish the series of covering Appendix F of the Recruit-Me 3.0 Athletic Scholarship System manual.  Starting in Episode 265 there have been small snippets about How to Study and How to Make the Most of Your Time strategies.  The final strategy today is about Test Taking Tips and a Final Word on Studying. 

Take advantage of the last day of the Fall Special on the Recruit-Me 3.0 System.  This system is normally $127, but the Fall Special that ends today is only $99.  Go to to get more information on the DIY recruiting system.  I found the Recruit-Me 3.0 System after my first son's recruitment and used the proven 7 Step System to help get my youngest son a baseball scholarship as he enters his Senior year of high school.

Fall Special, $99 Recruit-Me 3.0 Athletic Scholarship System

FREE Recruiting Power Pack

Recruiting Checklist, $1

All Athletic Scholarship Podcast Episodes

Nov 23, 2021

Episode 277 has a load of information about the NLI; National Letter of Intent.  Many high school student-athletes and parents only know about the National Letter of Intent as the signing to commit to go to a college and play a sport.  I go to the, the and websites, plus the website to give you the nuts and bolts about the National Letter of Intent.  There is actually a National Letter of Intent, a Letter of Intent and a Celebratory Signing Form that cover all the levels of sports played.  The NCAA D1, D2 and D3 level and the NAIA and the Junior College levels all have different rules and regulations for the signing for a high school student-athlete.  

See how the National Letter of Intent binds the prospective student-athlete and the school institution together.  See how the NCAA D1 and D2 levels are bound to this National Letter of Intent.  There are 652 NCAA D1 and D2 National Letter of Intent member schools.  The NCAA D3 level does not give athletic aid scholarships, so the D3 level signs a Celebratory Signing Form.  Hear the rules on this Celebratory Signing Form.  The NAIA level has a less binding Letter of Intent and then the Junior College(JUCO) level has more commitment rules and sets a player up to be able to transfer later to a 4 year college. 

Both of my sons have had their signing days and celebrations in the high school gym.  Parker a D1 signing and Sutton a NAIA signing.  Both signings were a great and fun culmination to careers in high school and travel ball and a look into the future of college.  Listen to learn about Letters of Intent and go to to get the FREE and inexpensive resources that Recruit-Me provides. Take advantage of the Fall Special on the Recruit-Me 3.0 Athletic Scholarship System.  This Recruit-Me 3.0 System is normally only $127, but the Fall Special is a great deal at only $99.

FREE Recruiting Power Pack

Fall Special on the Recruit-Me 3.0 Athletic Scholarship System

 All Athletic Scholarship Podcast Episodes

Recruit-Me 3.0 Athletic Scholarship Information

Nov 16, 2021

Episode 276 is an interview with Paige Tonz, An Athletic Mindset Mentor.  I interviewed Paige back on Episode 212 in August of 2020 and today we get to see Paige's newest helpful product, Game Ready Confidence, and an update on her other popular programs, like The Confident Athlete Program.  Plus, Paige expands on her recruitment, as she travelled from Arizona to play softball at Northwestern University.  Paige caught for 4 years for the Big Ten Wildcats.  See how Paige navigated the recruiting process and how her late contact and visit at Northwestern worked out late in her high school season. 

Paige ends with some great advice to both high school student-athletes and advice for you when you get into college.  I end this episode with some powerful Power Studying Tips about Study Space and Study Habits that you can use in both high school and college.  These tip and much, much more study advice, along with 200 pages of recruiting help, can be found in the Recruit-Me 3.0 Athletic Scholarship System.  The Recruit-Me 3.0 System is normally $127, but I have a Fall Special for only $99. Click below to take advantage of this special. 

Recruit-Me 3.0 Athletic Scholarship System

Recruit-Me 3.0 Website

FREE Power Pack

Episode 212 of The Athletic Scholarship System

Paige Tonz Instagram

Paige Tonz Facebook

Paige Tonz Parent's Group

All Athletic Scholarship Podcast Episodes


Nov 9, 2021

Episode 275 is a big announcement for my youngest son and our family.  The name of the episode is "Well, That Just Happened".  Sutton has verbally committed to Columbia College in Columbia, Missouri and will sign his National Letter of Intent on November 10th.  This is the culmination of a recruiting journey that has ran through the COVID riddled high school and summer sports seasons and the work that Sutton and our family put in through these seasons.  

I review how Sutton started the recruiting process by setting up parameters to the college experience he might want and then he started building a list of colleges.  Sutton sent introductory emails, his Player Profile and email updates as he performed at a high level and did well on his ACT test and GPA in high school.  His baseball metrics like throwing velocity, hitting exit velocity, and his speed in the 60 yard dash and his athletic abilities translated into skills that coaches want and need to fill their rosters.  Sutton gained attention from D3 and NAIA schools as he emailed those schools and talked to his high school and summer coaches to pin down schools that would fit his playing ability and educational needs.  Sutton's unofficial visits and camps and showcases were integral to his options and final decision.  

I also do something I probably shouldn't do by comparing my oldest son, Parker, and Sutton to each other and then show some differences in their recruitment paths.  Like I have said many times, if there are 1000 high school student-athletes, then there will probably be 1000 different recruiting paths taken.  

Take advantage of the Fall Special on the Recruit-Me 3.0 Athletic Scholarship System.  This system is proven to get you an opportunity to get play your sport in college and to get scholarship money to help pay for your future education.  Click below to take advantage of this time, stress and money saving system.  Regular price, $127, Fall Special Price only $99.

Fall Special, $99  Recruit-Me 3.0 Athletic Scholarship System

FREE Recruiting Power Pack

All Athletic Scholarship Podcasts Episodes

Recruiting Checklist

Columbia College Baseball

American Midwest Conference

Nov 2, 2021

Episode 274 is Part 2 of an Interview with Randy Merryman.  Randy is an owner of Marucci Midwest in Ozark, MO.  Marucci Midwest is a youth baseball and travel baseball organization that trains players in both baseball and softball from ages 8 to age 18.  He is also the Dad of a current college baseball player and the new Head Coach of Baptist Bible College in Springfield, MO.  So we are getting a look into recruiting from 3 sides of the recruiting road.  Part 1, episode 273, we get Randy's background, some history of Marucci Midwest and great advice from the club perspective and we continue on in this episode with more helpful advice from Randy as a Dad.  Then we get into what a college coach looks for from a recruit.  Listen in to not only get advice on baseball recruiting, but get advice to help you in any sport at any level of college play. 

At the end of this episode you will get valuable information on how to take and succeed at Essay tests.  This information comes from Appendix F of the 200+ page, downloadable manual that is a part of the Recruit-Me 3.0 Athletic Scholarship System.  You can get the complete Recruit-Me 3.0 System that includes the 200+ page manual, a workbook with powerful templates, plus audio and videos to help you follow the step-by-step system.  There is also a 90 day money-back guarantee, if the system does not advance your chances to get an athletic scholarship.  This system is great for any sport and for any student-athlete in any year of high school.  Click Here to get more information and to take advantage of the Fall Special, one-time purchase of only $99.

Fall Special, $99, Recruit-Me 3.0 Athletic Scholarship System

FREE Recruiting Power Pack

Recruiting Checklist

Marucci Midwest

Baptist Bible College Baseball

Oct 26, 2021

Episode 273 is Part 1 of a two part interview with Randy Merryman.  Randy is the owner of Marucci Midwest Baseball Organization in Ozark, MO. Randy is also the Dad of a current college baseball player and he is re-starting the Baptist Bible College baseball program as the head coach.  So these episodes will give you a great look into 3 different ways the recruiting game is played.  

In this episode, Part 1, we start out with advice from the Marucci Midwest organization owner aspect.  Subjects like how club or travel organizations can help you get recruited and how the different levels of college sports are a factor.  Also, how a college fit is important and how communicating positively can impact your recruitment.  Then we start to talk about recruitment as a Dad.  Randy talks about how his son found the right college fit, academically, the location and baseball-wise.  

Next week's episode has more about being a Dad and then gets into the recruiting aspect of being a college coach.  We will cover advice on making a college choice, advice on contacting college coaches and how academics is important.  Even though we talk about baseball throughout the interview, this information is great for any sport at any level.  

At the end of this episode is a continuation of information from Appendix F of the Recruit-Me 3.0 Athletic Scholarship System.  Appendix F is How to Study and Make the Most of Your Time.  I started this series back in Episode 265 and today I cover Taking Objective Exams.  

FREE Recruiting Power Pack

Recruit-Me 3.0 Athletic Scholarship System, Fall Special $99

Baptist Bible College Baseball

Marucci Midwest Baseball

Listen to All Episodes of the Athletic Scholarship Podcast

Recruiting Checklist

Oct 19, 2021

Raising 2 sons and going through the recruiting process twice, I found that even though my sons are really different, they had 3 very similar characteristics that I think many, many other 16 year old student-athletes may have.  Now, none of this episodes information and conclusions come from any official studies or data, but are just my thoughts on my observations of my boys and other high schoolers I know.  In this episode, Episode 272, 3 Hard Things for a 16 Year Old To Do, I cover these 3 hard to do things:

1.  It is hard to bring up recruiting to your high school or summer coach.

2.  It is hard for a high school student-athlete to care as much as you would like them to about paying for college.

3.  It is hard to talk face-to-face or on the phone with a college coach.

Listen in and see if any of these 16 year old characteristics are present in your household.  

Also, I continue through Appendix F of the Recruit-Me 3.0 Athletic Scholarship System.  Go back to the past 4-5 episodes to hear all the first pieces of information in Appendix F about How to Study and Make the Most of Your Time.  This episode we go over Outlining Textbooks, Taking Lecture Notes, Reviewing and Revising and Research Notes.  Next week we will start on Taking Exams.  

Go to to take advantage of the Fall Special on the Recruit-Me 3.0 Athletic Scholarship System.  The system is normally $127, but the Fall Special is now only $99.

Recruit-Me 3.0 Athletic Scholarship System

FREE Recruiting Power Pack

Listen all episodes of the Athletic Podcast System


Oct 12, 2021

In Episode 271 is a Peek into Sutton's Unofficial Visits I take your hand and you get to walk with us on campus tours and coaches visits as Sutton, my younger son, is currently on the verge of making a decision on his college, both academically and athletically.  Our family has been on a recruiting journey since Sutton's sophomore summer. He has battled through the COVID cancelled season and through the hurdles of the effects on recruiting his sport and his graduation class.  

See how Sutton and the coaches communicated and the schedule of his unofficial visit and the places we got to tour and get information on as Sutton and our family are in the midst of making a decision on his college destination.

FREE Recruiting Power Pack

Recruit-Me 3.0 Athletic Scholarship System, Fall Special, $99

Listen to all the past Athletic Scholarship Podcast episodes

Recruiting Checklist


Oct 5, 2021

Last week's episode, epi 269, was about ROI, Return on Investment and I explained that is was rare to get a full ride athletic scholarship.  Myth #5 of the Recruit-Me 3.0 Athletic Scholarship System says there is a myth that Most athletic scholarships are full rides.  So this episode, epi 270, prepares you for the many expenses of college like tuition, meal plans, housing and campus fees.  This episode covers the challenges of paying for NCAA Division 1, Division 2 and Division 3 college tuitions and also NAIA level college tuitions.  I show you how private and public college prices are different and that the range of yearly tuitions run from $7500 per year to up to $60,000 per year just for a year of classes.  Each level of athletic play has different rules on scholarships.  See the differences and how scholarships can bring down the tuition sticker price to make playing your sport and going to classes more affordable.  

Don't be scared off by the high sticker prices of some schools, but don't assume that an athletic scholarship will pay for your whole education either.

Take advantage of the new Fall Special on the Recruit-Me 3.0 Athletic Scholarship System.  Normal price is $127, but the Fall Special is reduced to $99.  Go to for more information and click the Get Access button to purchase this money saving and time saving recruiting system.  

Recruit-Me 3.0 Athletic Scholarship System, Fall Special $99

FREE Recruiting Power Pack

Listen to all the Athletic Scholarship Podcast Episodes  Promo Code RM123



Sep 28, 2021

A 2016 Omaha World-Herald newspaper article called With Scholarship Limit, College Baseball Careers Come with a Cost inspired this episode, Episode 269: ROI, Return on Investment.  In this episode of The Athletic Scholarship Podcast I wanted to warn you that there are very few full athletic scholarships and that if you are looking for a full, 100% return of your investment in youth and high school sports by getting a full ride scholarship.  I cover Myth #5 from the Recruit-Me 3.0 Athletic Scholarship System and how a baseball national champion Coastal Carolina player finished his college baseball career with both a national championship and a six-figure school loan debt.  

Find out the definition of ROI, Return on Investment and how money may not be the only thing to consider when looking at your ROI.

Fall Special, $99, Recruit-Me 3.0 System

FREE Recruiting Power Pack

Recruiting Checklist

Omaha World-Herald Article

All Athletic Scholarship Podcast Episodes

Episodes 216 and 217


Sep 21, 2021

Episode 268 is named Hey, High School Student; Do you want to play in college?  As I explain in this episode I was triggered to develop this episode as I watched a college football game and the announcer was saying that one of the starting quarterbacks was with his 3rd team and this was his 6th year of college football.  The 1st thought I had was, Wow! That takes a lot of dedication to play 6 years of a college sport.  I don't remember the player or the team that was on TV, but I can imagine with all the recent events that this player probably entered college as a freshman.  He probably redshirted and didn't play his freshman year.  He probably didn't play much his sophomore year and then transferred to another college.  He maybe played 2 years at that college and then transferred as a graduate student to play this last year .  That is 2190 days of college football.  That takes a lot of dedication.  That is a lot of early morning workouts, going to class, practices, study halls and film sessions.  I thought, what does it take to continue to practice and play for that long.  As I thought about it some more and how it related to our family and then the Recruit-Me families, it popped in my head, How many times did this player ask himself, "Do I want to play college football?"  

So, I related this question, "Do I want to play in college?" to our families situations.  Listen to this episode to hear when this question can pop into a high schoolers mind, how often it may be asked in both high school and college and how it can effect your recruiting.  

Let's get you started on asking the question, "Do you want to play in college?"

Recruit-Me 3.0 Athletic Scholarship System

All Athletic Scholarship Podcasts

FREE Recruiting Power Pack

Recruiting Checklist



Sep 14, 2021

This episode is packed with information about NAIA and JUCO eligibility information that will help you prepare as a high school student-athlete as you get ready to go to a NAIA or Junior College.  Listen to episode 266 to get NCAA Division I, Division II and Division III information, too.  Use the handy links below in the show notes to shortcut to find helpful information.  Recruit-Me and The Athletic Scholarship Podcast want to save you both time and money during the recruiting process.  

The website is a great resource for eligibility information and the NAIA Guide for the College-Bound Student-Athlete is a great 7 page resource that will help save you that time.  I left the links from Episode 266 in the show notes to help you, too.

Also, to help you save time and money, take advantage of the Back to School Special price on the Recruit-Me 3.0 Athletic Scholarship System.  Click Here to more information about the Recruit-Me 3.0 System.  

NAIA Guide for the College-Bound Student-Athlete

NAIA Eligibility Center

Episode 216 and Episode 217

Play Division 1 Sports

Play Division 2 Sports

Play Division 3 Sports

NCAA Eligibility Center

NCAA Core Courses

Find Your High School's List of Core Courses

Calculate Your Core Courses Credit and GPA

Grade Point Average

Test Scores

Educational Resources



Sep 7, 2021

This episode is covering the NCAA Eligibility requirements and many definitions of the eligibility process.  I will walk you through the website and cover what to during your high school freshman, sophomore, junior and senior years to setup and fulfill your high school academics to be eligible to enter college.  

This episode is coming in a late on Tuesday.  We had a busy Labor Day weekend.  Sutton, my youngest son, spent Saturday visiting college campuses.  My nephew, Easton, plays football at a D3 college and my niece, Olivia, plays basketball at a NAIA college, both in the same town.  Easton was supposed to play a football game on Saturday and we were going to the game and do some campus visits before and after the game.  But, the game was cancelled because of COVID.  Sutton still wanted to drive 2 1/2 hours to visit the campuses. Also, on Monday, Sutton attended a baseball showcase and did a campus tour and visited with the head coach.  So we had a busy and good weekend.  Find out more in my weekly email by signing up for either the FREE Recruiting Power Pack or the Recruiting Checklist.

Episode 216 and Episode 217

Play Division 1 Sports

Play Division 2 Sports

Play Division 3 Sports

NCAA Eligibility Center

NCAA Core Courses

Find Your High School's List of Core Courses

Calculate Your Core Courses Credit and GPA

Grade Point Average

Test Scores

Educational Resources


Aug 31, 2021

Episode 265 is an episode that talks about the recruiting process as we enter a new school year, Fall Season 2021.  The season brings high school sports like football, volleyball, soccer, tennis, golf and cross country.  Listen in to see what you should do if you are a freshman or a sophomore in high school.  I then cover that if you are a junior and senior what actions you can take as games and competitions take place.  

Find out how research, setting parameters, writing an introductory email, a player profile and a personal recruiting questionnaire, plus videos will help get in front of college coaches.  Learn how you send to coach, what to send to a coach and what to expect when you send to a coach this Fall season.

Take advantage of 2 deals that have just started.  Recruit-Me has the Recruiting Checklist and the Start of School Special on the Recruit-Me 3.0 Athletic Scholarship System.  Click on the 2 links below to learn more and take advantage of these deals.

Don't forget about the FREE Recruiting Power Pack on

Back to School Special, $99, Recruit-Me 3.0 System

Recruiting Checklist

FREE Recruiting Power Pack   RM123

Athletic Scholarship Podcast, All Episodes

The Athletic Scholarship 24 Month Planner and Journal

The  Athletic Scholarship Playbook

Aug 24, 2021

This episode explains how to use statistics to help get you recruited.  You will hear from some college coaches on what is important to them when you send stats to them.  They tell us what they are looking for.  

This version of the show notes is short, as I am getting this episode loaded late on Monday night.  My wife had a neck surgery at the end of the week and we had a big Project Graduation fundraiser today for Sutton's graduating class, so time has flown by.  Listen to this information packed episode and click on the show notes below to take advantage of the Recruiting Checklist and the new Back to School Special of the Recruit-Me 3.0 Athletic Scholarship System. 

Back to School Special, $99, Recruit-Me 3.0 System

Recruiting Checklist

FREE Recruiting Power Pack   RM123

Athletic Scholarship Podcast, All Episodes

The Athletic Scholarship 24 Month Planner and Journal

The  Athletic Scholarship Playbook


Aug 17, 2021

Episode 263 discusses the how, the when and the where a High School Student Athlete gets Exposure to college coaches.  Getting seen by college coaches is the most essential part of getting recruited, getting an offer and getting a scholarship.  

Listen and find out when getting exposure is the best time during your high school career, find out where to exposure to coaches and how to enhance that exposure when you at those games or events.

Check out the new Hot Summer Special on the Recruit-Me 3.0 Athletic Scholarship System.  This special ends on August 30th.  Click below to get more information.  You get step by step instruction on when to start and how to start and how to be successful in your recruiting process.  For only $127 you instantly get the Recruit-Me 3.0 System, plus I will send you a copy of the 356 page The Athletic Scholarship 24 Month Planner and Journal, a $20 value, plus The Athletic Scholarship Playbook, a $15 value.  Both books were written by the Recruit-Me founder, Jon Fugler.  

Hot Summer Special, Recruit-Me 3.0 System

Recruiting Checklist

FREE Recruiting Power Pack   RM123

Athletic Scholarship Podcast, All Episodes

The Athletic Scholarship 24 Month Planner and Journal

The  Athletic Scholarship Playbook



Aug 10, 2021

Episode 262 is the final episode in a 5 part series that gives you and inside look at my youngest son's, Sutton's, recruitment and the 6 steps that him and I navigated from the Recruit-Me 3.0 Athletic Scholarship System.  Today's episode covers the last 2 steps of the Recruit-Me 3.0 System.  Step 5 is how to track your communications with colleges and coaches and Step 6 is how and when to send updates as you continue to talk to coaches.  If you do Steps 1-4, but don't effectively do Steps 5 & 6 then you are just hoping to get a chance to participate in college sports and get a scholarship.  

Listen in to see how to track your communications and how to send updates and get yourself that scholarship.  Also, checkout to see how to get the Recruiting Checklist that has 9 items to help guide you through the recruiting process.  You can get this Recruiting Checklist downloaded to you for $1 and get a great compass to guide you through the maze.  

Check out the new Hot Summer Special on the Recruit-Me 3.0 Athletic Scholarship System.  Click below to get more information.  You get step by step instruction on when to start and how to start and how to be successful in your recruiting process.  For only $127 you instantly get the Recruit-Me 3.0 System, plus I will send you a copy of the 356 page The Athletic Scholarship 24 Month Planner and Journal, a $20 value, plus The Athletic Scholarship Playbook, a $15 value.  Both books were written by the Recruit-Me founder, Jon Fugler.  

Hot Summer Special, Recruit-Me 3.0 System

Recruiting Checklist

FREE Recruiting Power Pack   RM123

Athletic Scholarship Podcast, All Episodes

The Athletic Scholarship 24 Month Planner and Journal

The  Athletic Scholarship Playbook


Aug 3, 2021

This week's episode covers the Recruiting Questionnaire.  Just about every sport, every college team has an online recruiting questionnaire to fill out.  The Recruit-Me process suggests that the High School Student-Athlete create his or her own Personal Recruiting Questionnaire and send it to all the schools on their list.  Remember, Step 1 was to Build Your School List.  Step 2 to Write a Great Introductory Email.  Step 3 was to Create a Player Profile.  And now Step 4 is to put together your Personalized Recruiting Questionnaire. Sutton sends his Recruiting Questionnaire within a week of sending his packet of the Introductory Email and the Player Profile to coaches.  

Recruit-Me likes the student-athlete to do this step.  By building your own Personal Recruiting Questionnaire you will be getting almost all the information that the college's questionnaire would be asking.  It takes 15-30 minutes to fill out each questionnaire.  So building your own will not only save you time, but will help you to stand out from all the other 100 recruits trying to get your spot.  If a coach ask you to still fill their questionnaire out, go ahead and do it.  

Check out the new Hot Summer Special on the Recruit-Me 3.0 Athletic Scholarship System.  Click below to get more information.  You get step by step instruction on when to start and how to start and how to be successful in your recruiting process.  For only $127 you instantly get the Recruit-Me 3.0 System, plus I will send you a copy of the 356 page The Athletic Scholarship 24 Month Planner and Journal, a $20 value, plus The Athletic Scholarship Playbook, a $15 value.  Both books were written by the Recruit-Me founder, Jon Fugler.  

Hot Summer Special, Recruit-Me 3.0 System

FREE Recruiting Power Pack   RM123

Athletic Scholarship Podcast, All Episodes

The Athletic Scholarship 24 Month Planner and Journal

The  Athletic Scholarship Playbook


Jul 27, 2021

This week's episode covers the Player Profile.  The Player Profile can be the 1 resource that can set you apart from 100s of other recruits.  Go to to download the Free Recruiting Power Pack and see the Player Profile.

Check out the new Hot Summer Special on the Recruit-Me 3.0 Athletic Scholarship System.  Click below to get more information.  You get step by step instruction on when to start and how to start and how to be successful in your recruiting process.  For only $127 you instantly get the Recruit-Me 3.0 System, plus I will send you a copy of the 356 page The Athletic Scholarship 24 Month Planner and Journal, a $20 value, plus The Athletic Scholarship Playbook, a $15 value.  Both books were written by the Recruit-Me founder, Jon Fugler.  

Hot Summer Special, Recruit-Me 3.0 System

FREE Recruiting Power Pack   RM123

Athletic Scholarship Podcast, All Episodes

The Athletic Scholarship 24 Month Planner and Journal

The  Athletic Scholarship Playbook


Jul 20, 2021

Episode 259 is the 2nd of a series that will cover in detail what Sutton, my youngest son, and our family is going through currently in his college sports recruitment.  Sutton wants to play baseball in college and get that experience along with his college education.  Sutton is entering his senior year of high school and like 1000s of other student-athletes across the US and the world, the last 2 years have been a struggle to get college coaches attention in any sport.  

Step 1 of his journey was to Build and Research a School List. Step 2 is Write a Great Introductory Email.  Make a great first impression on college coaches that you contact. 

Hear how Sutton and I built his Introductory Email and hear the actual email.   

Check out the new Hot Summer Special on the Recruit-Me 3.0 Athletic Scholarship System.  Click below to get more information.  You get step by step instruction on when to start and how to start and how to be successful in your recruiting process.  For only $127 you instantly get the Recruit-Me 3.0 System, plus I will send you a copy of the 356 page The Athletic Scholarship 24 Month Planner and Journal, a $20 value, plus The Athletic Scholarship Playbook, a $15 value.  Both books were written by the Recruit-Me founder, Jon Fugler.  

Hot Summer Special, Recruit-Me 3.0 System

FREE Recruiting Power Pack   RM123

Athletic Scholarship Podcast, All Episodes

The Athletic Scholarship 24 Month Planner and Journal

The  Athletic Scholarship Playbook


Jul 13, 2021

Episode 258 is the 1st of a series that will cover in detail what Sutton, my youngest son, and our family is going through currently in his college sports recruitment.  Sutton wants to play baseball in college and get that experience along with his college education.  Sutton is entering his senior year of high school and like 1000s of other student-athletes across the US and the world, the last 2 years have been a struggle to get college coaches attention in any sport.  

Step 1 of his journey was to Build and Research a School List.  We started this between his sophomore and junior year and have continued to adjust and update the list so he can do Step 2.  In this episode I go into detail on how Sutton and I use some special resources to help record and organize all the information we research.  The website and The Athletic Scholarship 24 Month Planner and Journal are great resources that you can purchase to enhance your research and save you time through this 2-4 year process.  You can search the internet and the college websites and make notes in your own notebook or computer spreadsheet, too.  

Hear how Sutton set parameters to help search for colleges, how we record information like a school's address, mascot, level of play, coach's information, possible travel and more.  

Check out the new Hot Summer Special on the Recruit-Me 3.0 Athletic Scholarship System.  Click below to get more information.  You get step by step instruction on when to start and how to start and how to be successful in your recruiting process.  For only $127 you instantly get the Recruit-Me 3.0 System, plus I will send you a copy of the 356 page The Athletic Scholarship 24 Month Planner and Journal, a $20 value, plus The Athletic Scholarship Playbook, a $15 value.  Both books were written by the Recruit-Me founder, Jon Fugler.  

Hot Summer Special, Recruit-Me 3.0 System

FREE Recruiting Power Pack   RM123

Athletic Scholarship Podcast, All Episodes

The Athletic Scholarship 24 Month Planner and Journal

The  Athletic Scholarship Playbook


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