Don't drift into 2017. LAUNCH into it.
That's the focus of this episode. Jon Fugler lays out three things you can do that will supercharge your first 15 days of 2017. And he also explains how you can make the first quarter an epic one.
Don't settle for status quo when it comes to pursuing an athletic scholarship. Jon explains what you can do -- and they aren't difficult actions -- to set your athlete apart from other recruits.
Jon starts by asking you to contact nine college coaches by January 15. How? He explains how to do it so you get the greatest impact.
From there, Jon asks you to take two more actions that dovetail with the first one.
You'll be encouraged, refreshed and refocused by grasping and applying what Jon teaches in this episode. And you'll be several steps closer to success-- the athletic scholarship you're seeking.
Athletic Scholarship University
This is one of the 5 most popular episodes of the past year and we wanted to release this Flashback Episode during the Christmas season. We take you back to what was originally Episode 04.
If your son or daughter expects to be recruited you both need to know what college coaches think about recruiting. In Jon Fugler’s exclusive interview with Coach Tom Kunis, he’ll share directly about how to approach coaches, a big trend that’s hurting recruits, the important role of your high school coach and the academic piece in recruiting.
Tom’s coaching experience spans two decades and he has been at some of the top programs in the nation. More than 50 of his recruits have gone into the pros and you’ll hear his genuine care for the student-athlete. Tom will open your eyes with direct comments and warnings as you go through the recruiting process.
Following the interview, Jon answers a listener’s question on the topic of a recruiting timeline. He walks you through the activities you should take, depending on what year your son or daughter is in high school.
NCAA Eligibility Center (Clearinghouse)
We all like to finish strong. Whether it's a season, a game, a match or a race, we want to finish strong.
That's what this episode is all about. Recruiting coach and Recruit-Me CEO Jon Fugler shares three things you can do to finish 2016 strong ... when it comes to your athletic scholarship pursuit.
These three things can be applied before December 31, and as Jon says, "You'll move the needle."
This time of year can be maximized. Instead of going into neutral during the break, take action. The steps Jon shares aren't overwhelming, but they'll generate results.
And results is what Jon wants you to experience.
Athletic Scholarship University
NCAA Guide for the College Bound Student-Athlete
NAIA Guide for the College Bound Student-Athlete
Email Jon at
There's so much info swirling around out there about athletic scholarships.
How do you know when you're getting good advice or bad advice? In this episode, Recruit-Me CEO and scholarship coach Jon Fugler shares three things that will help you know if it's good or bad.
Wrong advice can cost you time, money and eventually a scholarship.
Good advice can accelerate the progress to your family's dream.
Jon even suggests that you should test his own advice against the three things he shares in this episode.
Jon's free 10-Point Recruiting Checklist is still available to download.
Ask Jon a question at
Pursuing an athletic scholarship is supposed to KEEP money in your family's bank account, not deplete your account.
However, many families spend a huge amount of money pursuing the scholarship dream for the athlete(s). In fact, in too many cases, they spend a ton of money and have nothing to show for it in the end.
How can you make sure you don't fall into the trap of overspending? How can you make sure you're spending money on the right things? Is every opportunity truly an opportunity?
How about travel teams, camps and showcases? How much do you need to invest in these avenues for your son or daughter to get noticed and recruited?
These are tough questions, and in this episode Recruit-Me CEO and scholarship coach provides solid and bold answers.
Follow his advice and you can save thousands of dollars while still achieving your family's scholarship dream.
Your free 10-point Recruiting Checklist (Jon forgot to mention this)
Email Jon with a question:
Jon's camps and showcases video blog post (he didn't refer to this particular post but it's powerful and expands on this podcast episode.
Did you know that there are 10 things you can do to make sure you stay on the right course to an athletic scholarship? You could call them the 10 Recruiting Rules, and Jon Fugler digs into them in this episode.
These are hard and fast concepts. If you grasp most of them, you're going to be on your way and get to your scholarship goal.
For instance, Jon says, "The number one question I get from parents is, 'When should we start the recruiting process?'”
That leads into his #1 winning move: KNOW WHEN TO START.
Explore all 10 winning moves in this fast-paced episode.
If you knew how to avoid the most common recruiting mistakes, you'd be thrilled, right?
In this episode, Recruit-Me CEO on Fugler shares the top recruiting mistakes families make. Know these and you'll avoid them. And you'll do the right things.
Some of these common mistakes might surprise you and others will sound familiar.
For instance, one of the biggest mistakes is underestimating your son or daughter's talent. However, another mistake is overestimating their talent. Either one can hurt your kid's chances at a scholarship.
Jon makes sure you understand the mistakes so you can follow a plan that will keep you moving forward-- and save you time and money.
Ask Jon a question to answer on the podcast.
There are good reasons and poor reasons for an athlete to make their school choice. Since this is the biggest and most impactful decision of the student-athlete's life, it's important to make it wisely.
The parent and athlete each have responsibilities in this process. After listening to this episode, you'll have a lot to talk about together.
Recruiting expert and Recruit-Me CEO Jon Fugler goes through five bad reasons for a school choice and five good reasons.
You may be at the beginning of the recruiting process and you're not ready to make any kind of school choice, but this really starts at the beginning of the process. What you do now will affect your choice at the finish line.
Free 10-Point Recruiting Checklist
Email your recruiting questions to
How can you make sure your student-athlete stays top-of-mind with college coaches? Certainly, athletic achievement is crucial, but that's not the whole story.
In this episode, Recruit-Me CEO Jon Fugler reveals to parents and athletes 6 things that will make sure the talented athlete stays on college coaches' hot lists.
Practice these things and you'll be ahead of most families. For instance, Tip #1 is to make every bit of written communication personal. No more mass emails or letters. Address the coach by name and make references to that particular school. There are other things you can do to make the communication personal and memorable. You want to stand out in a coach's mind, and this works.
Discover the five others as Jon leads parents and athletes through them in just 15 minutes.
Jon offers his free 10-Point Recruiting Checklist as a key resource, which also gives you free access to the 30-Day Recruiting Challenge.
Free 10-Point Recruiting Checklist
Email your recruiting questions to
When it comes to your scholarship expectations, it's critical that you know where your athlete's sport falls in the mix. There are two types of athletic scholarships.
We'll explore these two types in this episodes.
Not all scholarships, of course, are full rides. In fact, in some sports, full rides are rare. Why is that? Not only because of limited dollars, but because of the NCAA limits on those sports. For instance, no matter which school it is, every D1 baseball program is limited to 11.7 scholarships.
In this episode, Jon Fugler goes into detail about the two types of scholarships and where your athlete fits in.
Jon also answers listener questions.
Free 10-point Recruiting Checklist
Head Count and Equivalency Sports
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Just like when an athlete competes, it's easy to get knocked off your game plan when it comes to pursuing an athletic scholarship.
"I had a totally different episode planned until an hour before recording time," says host Jon Fugler. "It hit me real hard that I needed to record THIS episode first."
And THIS episode is all about preventing derailment and destruction in the scholarship pursuit.
Jon offers five things you need to do to make sure you get to your family's goal: an athletic scholarship. These five things will be easy to remember and apply right away.
If you fall into a ditch, you may not be able to get out. By sticking with these five things, you'll stay on the road and on track. You'll get to your destination.
All these things will make perfect sense, starting with the first one: "Listen to Success." Jon draws on a Dave Ramsey illustration to drive the point home.
You'll be entertained, too, as Jon shares his own sports woes these days.
Email Jon with questions:
Athletic talent is a given when comes to getting recruited. College coaches are looking for the best athletes to reward with scholarships.
But there are other factors often overlooked by parents and athletes, but high on the priority list for college coaches.
In this episode, Jon Fugler nails down three of the top characteristics of a recruited athlete. Talent alone won't get you a scholarship. Coaches have a number of factors they are considering.
Discover three big ones with Jon Fugler as he presents them clearly.
How to Get Recruited in the Next 30 Days free download
What you don't know could hurt you. That''s the case with the rules the NCAA lays down for recruiting. We often hear about NCAA violations that cost programs scholarship money, forfeitures and ineligibility.
As a parent of a student-athlete, or a student-athlete yourself, you should be familiar with key NCAA rules and guidelines.
In this episode, recruiting expert Jon Fugler explains, in clear language, the most important ones. He also explains the Recruiting Calendar and the National Letter of Intent.
While the burden for recruiting within the rules falls on the coaches, you need to know the rules so you can understand coaches' behaviors.
Why hasn't the coach called or written? Why has he or she not come to see my son or daughter compete? These are a couple questions that are answered when you're familiar with the NCAA rules that coaches live by.
Free Report: How to Get Recruited in the Next 30 Days
Email Jon with questions:
There's no magic in getting discovered by a college coach as a high school athlete. But it's a mystery to most.
The Athletic Scholarship Podcast is back from summer hiatus and is now released weekly with this episode, and the new tagline, "15 Minutes That Will Change Your Scholarship Future."
Recruiting expert Jon Fugler offers 7 tips for getting discovered... four that the athlete must do and three that are the parent's responsibilities.
Jon believes that the parent and athlete must work together as a team. He'll make it crystal clear what it takes to get the attention of college coaches and keep it. The recruiting process takes time, and you need to be in it for the long haul.
With these tips, you'll be able to apply them immediately and see results.
Jon also offers the new Free Report: "How to Get Recruited in the Next 30 Days"
This summer is a critical season for recruiting. If you make the next three months count, you'll get your son or daughter on the radar of multiple college coaches. They'll be recruited.
You'll have to stay focused and diligent. In this episode, Recruit-Me CEO Jon Fugler clearly reveals the important first step you'll need to take this summer. If you do it, you'll be on your way to a fruitful recruiting season.
You'll hear what the parent and athlete need to do together right away. You'll get clarity on how you'll accomplish the critical first step in one week or less, setting you up for the rest of the summer.
Jon will tell you about the upcoming free Recruiting Webcast he'll be hosting in early June, which will take you deeper into the things you need to do to make this a recruiting breakthrough summer. Find out more at
You can also pick up the free 10-Point Recruiting Checklist right now at
In this episode, Jon Fugler presents a 10-point recruiting checklist that will give you what you need to develop and implement your 60-day recruiting plan. With summer approaching, this is a key time of year to get on coaches' radar.
Parents, you'll learn how to lead your son or daughter through the process. Jon starts by presenting three foundational things you must grasp even before getting started into the nuts and bolts of recruiting.
Jon also shares a parent's story with six takeaways that will lead to success in pursuing an athletic scholarship with your son or daughter.
The 10-point recruiting checklist will give you the tracks to run on throughout the entire recruiting process. Jon discusses each point to give you the insights you'll need on the journey.
You can download the Recruiting Checklist as well as Jon's white paper "How to Eliminate the High Cost of College" on the show notes page for Episode #9 at
If you have questions for Jon, email him at
Most athletic scholarships aren't full rides, often leaving families with a substantial funding gap. In this episode, Jon Fugler talks with college funding expert Brad Baldridge about how to close the gap.
Brad has been counseling families since 2004, has helped them plan for their kids' academic future and has shown them how to get scholarships and other financial aid.
Brad reveals to us some of the best places to find funds and shares some free resources that will help go down this road. He also shares some of the biggest misconceptions when seeking funding.
Just as Jon teaches that you should cast your net wide when compiling your list of schools, it is also good to cast your net wide when looking for funding. It opens up more options.
You can't do it alone. In the last episode, Jon Fugler laid out clearly what parents must do in the recruiting process. This is teamwork, and the student-athlete has unique responsibilities, too.
Without parent/athlete teamwork, success is unlikely. Your athletic scholarship isn't going to happen.
Jon covers four things the student-athlete must do. And he explains what to do if the parent isn't supportive.
Parents, share this episode with your kid and talk about it afterwards.
Jon is also taking questions that he is answering on the podcast. To submit yours, send it to He tackles a great question in this episode.
Teamwork is a key to success in recruiting. Teamwork between the parent(s) and the student-athlete. Your chances are much higher of getting an athletic scholarship when both parties do their part.
So what is a parent's role? You need to get that straight or you will end up with tension, arguments, damaged relationships and even quitting the process. That's bad.
Recruit-Me CEO Jon Fugler brings his wife into the conversation and they share candidly how they worked this out when their twin sons pursued and achieved athletic scholarships.
Jon has coaches hundreds of families to success. You'll learn the key things he teaches parents that has helped families achieve their scholarship dream.
Parents want answers to their recruiting questions. In this episode Recruit-Me CEO Jon Fugler tackles 10 of the most common questions with straightforward answers. By hearing this episode, you'll likely come away with answers to your most important questions and gain clarity as you navigate the scholarship and recruiting road. Time is critical to you, so Jon will fill you in on some things that help maximize your efforts by cutting time for more results. If your question isn't answered, Jon invites you to email him at These 30 minutes could make a huge difference for your family.