Getting on a coach's radar is just the first step. Becoming one of his or her bigger prospects means you have to become a bigger blip on the radar.
In Day 2 for this Recruiting Funnel series, Jon Fugler explains how one athlete became a bigger blip and then a scholarship athlete. From there Jon shares the specifics of how this will work for you. He camps on this point: Stand out in the crowd.
Jon closes with a golden nugget that will help you keep your recruiting process fresh as you move through the funnel.
Be sure to preview the new Recruit-Me Athletic Scholarship System at
Getting yourself into the Recruiting Funnel is a non-negotiable when it comes to getting a scholarship. In this opening day of a 7-day series, Jon Fugler shows you how you can get into funnel and how other athletes have done it.
Over the next week, Jon will take you through the entire funnel in this special podcast series: "The Recruiting Funnel: From Prospect to Scholarship."
Master the funnel and you've mastered recruiting. Let's see what it takes and go for it.
Be sure to check out the New Recruit-Me Athletic Scholarship System. Preview it at
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Scholarships don't just happen. Neither does recruiting. Only certain kinds of athletes reach their scholarship goal, and one of them can certainly be you.
Last episode, recruiting expert Jon Fugler tackled the biggest recruiting issue. This episode, he goes deeper by presenting three distinctives of recruited athletes. His thoughts might surprise you at first, but when you hear what he says, but soon this will make sense.
As usual, this is practical advice you can apply right away. The clock is ticking on your window of opportunity. Jon will help you maximize this valuable time.
Jon also tells you about his upcoming podcast series, "The Recruiting Funnel: How to Go from Prospect to Scholarship." And he shares about the November 1 launch of the New Recruit-Me Athletic Scholarship System.
Previous episode: "How to Get Exposure- the Biggest Recruiting Challenge"
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How can I get exposure? That's the #1 challenge high school athletes face. In this episode, Jon Fugler provides keys to solving that problem.
This is is the beginning of a series that gives you a game plan to become a recruited athlete. Getting exposure happens for talented athletes who do certain things on and off the field.
Learn the first key in this episode with actions you can take right away.
You have to make a decision and often it’s tough. Especially when it comes to choosing the right school. When you have a few schools in the mix you’ve got to have a way to compare.
Jon Fugler shares a tool that will give you objectivity in the process. Stack one program against another and see which ones float to the top. Don’t let your emotions determine one of the biggest choices of your life.
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