You're not a recruit unless a college coach knows about you. The most important document you can create for this purpose is your Player Profile or Resume.
In this episode, recruiting expert and author Jon Fugler shares the specifics on how you can create a Player Profile/Resume that makes a great first impression on college coaches.
He'll walk you through all the details for every section on your Profile, directly from his audio book, The Athletic Scholarship Playbook.
Listen and learn, then build your Profile.
The Athletic Scholarship Playbook-- all formats
How do you feel when you see a slew of athletes sign their National Letter of Intent and you don't?
That's what's happening this week. National Signing Day is here for many sports. TV coverage, newspapers, sports shows, websites, everywhere. We're going to see seniors lock in their college futures with a stroke of a pen.
If you're a senior, where does that leave you if you're not signed this week?
Don't panic, there is plenty of time. And Jon Fugler leads you through the thought process for your continued strategy for your scholarship pursuit. In fact, he gives you five things to consider in the coming months.
If you're not a senior, then of course you have a lot of time to navigate your recruiting journey.
No matter what your year, this is a great time to re-focus and clarify your strategy. Jon gives you details on how to do that and propel yourself in these final two months of the year.
Kathy Connor, a decorated collegiate swimmer in the 80s, is back with us. She is a college planning expert and we continue the conversation about the four elements of choosing the school with the best fit.
In this episode, Jon Fugler and Kathy center on the athletic fit. If you missed the first three elements, be sure to listen to Episode 67 first.
Recruiting isn't a science, but it involves human relationships. Kathy confirms that in the advice she gives parents and athletes. She draws on her work with hundreds of families as she shares her thoughts with Jon.
Families often have their sights set in the wrong direction, so Kathy's words will give you some valuable insight so your focus is on the right things.
One of the highlights of this episode is how Kathy says an athlete should respond when he or she is turned down by the coach. You'll be surprised at her answer.
Free download: Free first chapter of The Athletic Scholarship Playbook
The Athletic Scholarship Playbook: Kindle and Paperback editions
"It's my passion to help students find a place where they will thrive and grow." That comment comes from former scholarship athlete and champion Kathy Connor, and she's Jon Fugler's guest on this episode.
Kathy is now a college placement expert and has helped hundreds of families navigate the road to college-- and find the right school. She guides sports families and non-sports families.
You'll hear her share four factors involved in finding the right school if you're a student-athlete. Kathy's insights are perfect for the family that wants a complete picture of the road to college. We tend to overemphasize athletics, but that's just one aspect of the journey to the right school.
Kathy is not only a scholarship athlete herself, but will send a scholarship athlete off to college next year. So her experience is extensive.
Think bigger in this episode.
Freebie: Chapter one of The Athletic Scholarship Playbook
The Athletic Scholarship Playbook in Kindle and Paperback formats
From the stellar quote by the legendary John Wooden to practical advice on being an athlete of character, recruiting expert and author Jon Fugler addresses one of the most important aspects of recruiting.
One bad decision can cost a student-athlete a scholarship and can even put an end to his or her competing future. That's how important character is for your scholarship future.
Jon shares an insightful article which has some solid advice from a college coach. Hear what this coach advises his athletes at every practice when it comes to making wise decisions and staying out of trouble.
Jon also gives you some practical advice on how to be a "character," in a good way.
Full interview with Steve Englehart
The Athletic Scholarship Playbook e-book and paperback
FREEBIE: First chapter of The Athletic Scholarship Playbook
Tell Jon how you've presented yourself uniquely to coaches
Jon Fugler makes this statement: "I am convinced that most athletes who can compete at the next level can get an athletic scholarship. Unfortunately, most families don’t know how to make that happen.
"Families have been led to believe they need an expert or a high powered, expensive recruiting service to get their son or daughter an athletic scholarship."
In this episode, Jon will make some more bold statements to let you know that you can be empowered to do it yourself in a scholarship pursuit.
He'll share seven reason why you shouldn't use a recruiting service. For instance, it can cause damage to your recruiting efforts and can cost you thousands of unnecessary dollars.
Jon will go into detail with some points that will help you clarify why you have the freedom and power to succeed on your own.
Download the first chapter of Jon's book FREE. The Athletic Scholarship Playbook.
Get the Athletic Scholarship Playbook in Kindle or paperback.
This episode is different. This is a sobering week for our nation as the tragedy of the Las Vegas shootings numbs all of us.
Jon Fugler speaks his heart about what he feels needs to be said to parents and athletes in light of the shootings. Each one of us is processing this dark event differently. One thing is sure -- it has had an effect on all of us.
So why bring this into the athletic scholarship discussion? Because it has a dramatic effect on our priorities and the way we view life... and athletic scholarships.
Jon's words will make you think, discuss and hopefully change the way you've been approaching this whole recruiting world.
Please leave your comments and thoughts for Jon by email or on the Recruit-Me Facebook page.
Your journey to an athletic scholarship is sequential. Our host has been teaching five sequential steps for the past 15 years and they work.
Recruiting expert and author Jon Fugler runs through the five steps.
Most families know two or three steps, but it takes the full five to create success. Get all five here today.
The one assumption Jon makes is that your student-athlete can compete at the next level. He shares exactly what that means.
If you're looking for one place where you can get the foundational content for your athletic scholarship, it's here in this episode.
Share it with others.
Get the first chapter FREE of "The Athletic Scholarship Playbook".
The Athletic Scholarship Playbook on Amazon
What’s the biggest lesson you’ve learned in your recruiting journey so far? Let our podcast host know at
You’ll never be finished learning, even when the process is over. That’s what recruiting expert Jon Fugler has experienced, and he has been at it for nearly 20 years.
In this episode, Jon shares the seven biggest lessons he has learned over the years. These lessons are shared to expand your knowledge base and help you take short-cuts to an athletic scholarship. Some lessons are for parents and some for athletes.
Jon’s first recruiting lesson is that “all coaches are different” and you must treat them that way. The recruit-me way may be steps you follow, but it cannot be viewed as a cookie cutter approach. Jon shares an example from his sons’ experience with one coach in particular. Knowing this truth will make a huge difference in the way you communicate with coaches and build the recruiting relationship.
Listen to all seven lessons and see which ones you can adapt to your recruiting approach.
Jon also shares lessons that other families have learned, and you may be able to relate to those.
And Jon now has a new freebie. It’s the first chapter of his new book The Athletic Scholarship Playbook: A Complete College Recruiting Roadmap for High School Athletes and Parents. Take the book for a test drive and see if it fits your needs.
Download the first chapter free of The Athletic Scholarship Playbook.
Get a complete copy of The Athletic Scholarship Playbook in Kindle and Paperback.
Getting a college coach's candid evaluation of your son or daughter's talent is a defining moment in the recruiting process.
And then there's the money issue.
How do you bring up your athlete's chances of a scholarship and get an honest response? In fact, how do you get honest responses about other things you have on your mind?
In this episode, author and recruiting expert Jon Fugler gives insight on the right time to ask coaches about money and scholarships. He also shares three things that will help you get honest feedback an information from college coaches.
Even though you want honest information, in some ways there's a fear in receiving it. Fear of rejection, financial disappointment, ticking off the coach and a number of other fears. Jon helps you get over those fears.
This episode is brought to you by Jon's new book, The Athletic Scholarship Playbook, the most highly rated book on recruiting and athletic scholarships on Amazon.
How to Get an Athletic Scholarship free download.
Do you feel like you're spinning your wheels and spending a ton of money on this recruiting thing? In this episode, author and recruiting expert Jon Fugler helps you experience transformation, rather than unproductive activity and wasted expense.
Jon will take you through three things to transform your recruiting experience.
If you're one of those families that keeps investing over and over again, expecting recruiting results, Jon has some pointed things to say about that. The first thing is that you shouldn't confuse activity with progress.
Jon helps you refocus your recruiting strategy and brings increased purpose to your activities.
The Athletic Scholarship Playbook-- Jon's new book
What can you do to go beyond normal, beyond the status quo?
And get exceptional recruiting outcomes?
In this episode, Jon Fugler, author of The Athletic Scholarship Playbook, explains one thing in detail that can break loose your recruiting results.
Jon challenges a tool that most families use and get dismal results with. He shows you how to maximize this tool to get the attention of college coaches...
...and get the results you expect.
The Internet is full of tools like this, often free of charge. It seems like a great way to get exposure to college coaches. In fact, the more you use this tool, the more exposure. Or so it seems.
Let’s take a look at the advantages and disadvantages of online registries and how you can best use them for your benefit.
How to Get an Athletic Scholarship free downlead
The Athletic Scholarship Playbook
Contact Jon at
Fall means a fresh start for your recruiting efforts. So... what are your plans this year?
It should depend on what grade you're in.
Jon Fugler, author of the brand new book, The Athletic Scholarship Playbook, shares his counsel for athletes at all levels-- freshman, sophomore, junior or senior. Your strategy should be unique to your year in school.
For instance, Jon says that freshmen should use this year to understand the recruiting and scholarship world. Laying a strong foundation is key to success in the future.
One thing sophomores should do is develop their player profile and other documents they'll use to attract the attention of college coaches.
He shares details for each grade and gives steps of action. Get this year off to a good start and set your plan for the 2017-18 school year. Jon explains how.
The failures of recruiting can be boiled down into a few glaring mistakes. If you can avoid these mistakes, you'll greatly improve your chances of success.
In this episode, author and recruiting expert Jon Fugler dives into big mistakes he has seen, even in the past few days. Then he provides the course corrections families need to make.
Jon shares how important it is to take the lead in the recruiting process, instead of reacting or responding to outside influences. But what does that mean?
He tells us the story of one family he talked to the other day, and how their intended path will result in failure. He turns the table and tells you what you need to do so you're not headed down the same path.
How to Get an Athletic Scholarship free download
The Athletic Scholarship Playbook
It's going to happen. You're going to be rejected.
It's going to happen. Parents, your kid is going to be rejected by some college coaches.
And it can be tough to handle. We can doubt our abilities and go into a tailspin. At the very least, we can get discouraged.
In this episode, author and recruiting expert Jon Fugler has the solution for bouncing back from rejection.
One of the things he states is that rejection is normal. And that's ok. But it doesn't change your talent level one bit.
Jon also shares how you can put that rejection behind you and stay on course to an athletic scholarship.
This is a different kind of episode, but Jon said this was on his heart to share.
How to Get an Athletic Scholarship Free Download
The Athletic Scholarship Playbook
**NOTE: Jon Fugler's new book, THE ATHLETIC SCHOLARSHIP PLAYBOOK, has just released on Amazon. The Kindle version is free through Monday.**
The conflict between dream and reality will always be present in your recruiting adventure. But that doesn't have to be.
In this special weekend episode, author and recruiting expert Jon Fugler explains how both dream and reality are necessary in this journey. He explains how to blend the two for a powerful advantage.
Jon discusses eight differences between your scholarship dream and reality. While these differences are opposites, they are necessary and helpful.
Then Jon give you five actionable items for how you can intentionally turn your scholarship dream into reality, no matter how far down the road you are looking.
Finally, Jon offers advice on how to "interview" a college coach so you can find out details about the coach, program and school. He takes this segment from his new book.
A new month and a fresh start. Not just any month, but the swing month between summer and fall.
This is when your recruiting efforts need to rev up to high gear. But how can you accomplish that most effectively... so that you have a successful month this month?
In this Bonus episode, recruiting expert Jon Fugler presents three ways that you can advance your recruiting success this month. Maybe you need a re-start, a re-fresh or a supercharge. Jon will motivate you to do that.
You'll learn about three things you can do immediately that will affect where you stand 30 days from now, poised for the fall.
Jon also spends a few minutes talking about scholarship limits, and the things you need to be aware of in your sport.
Jon's book release: THE ATHLETIC SCHOLARSHIP PLAYBOOK. On Amazon Thursday.
Free Download: How to Get an Athletic Scholarship
Too much of anything can be bad. In this episode, author and athletic scholarship expert Jon Fugler shares that a certain one thing can actually kill your scholarship dream.
What is it? Well, the answer might surprise you.
In this extended episode, Jon lays it on the line and explains why this can be a killer. And he'll give you the solution.
Jon spends time in this extended episode sharing his six steps of recruiting success. These steps have been working for nearly 20 years, and they will work for you.
Jon also counts the days down to his book launch, this Thursday. This episode is content coming right from the book, THE ATHLETIC SCHOLARSHIP PLAYBOOK. Look for it Thursday on Amazon. Until then, enjoy this sneak peak into the content.
Book launch: THE ATHLETIC SCHOLARSHIP PLAYBOOK. Available Thursday on Amazon.
How to Get an Athletic Scholarship free download
One of the most discouraging things a recruit can experience is losing the interest of a college coach. The fruitful relationship has dried up and it takes the wind out of your sails.
In this episode, recruiting expert Jon Fugler teaches you how to make sure this problem is minimized or eliminated. There are things you can do that will keep you on a coach's radar and stay there.
This content comes from Jon's new book, THE ATHLETIC SCHOLARSHIP PLAYBOOK: A Complete College Recruiting Roadmap for High School Athletes and Parents, which releases on Amazon August 3.
In this episode, Jon says that you need to approach recruiting like a marathon, not a sprint. You have to continue to show interest over a long period of time, even years! It speaks volume to coaches, because they don't want to chase athletes who aren't interested in their program.
Simply by keeping in contact, you're setting yourself apart from other recruits. Jon explains how to keep the relationship fresh.
Jon's book releases August 3 on Amazon in Kindle and paperback.
How to Get an Athletic Scholarship free download
Athletic Scholarship coach Jon Fugler ran out of time in the last episode to dig as deep as he wanted to. In this episode, he goes into more detail on how you can make a great impression on college coaches.
Specifically, he tells you exactly what your intro letter or email should say. He uses his son's letter as an example. This is a deep dive into what Jon introduced last episode, and is material featured in his new book.
It's countdown time to Jon's new book, "THE ATHLETIC SCHOLARSHIP PLAYBOOK: A Complete College Recruiting Roadmap for High School Athletes and Parents."
Releasing August 3 on Amazon, this is the most complete book written that shows families how they can be empowered to take control of the recruiting process... and how to follow the step-by-step plan to success.
Jon also answer's a parent's question on how to tactfully ask a college coach where his son fits into the coach's scholarship and recruiting plans. It's a tough thing to navigate, and Jon brings clarity.
If you have a question for Jon, you can email him at or tweet him @JonFugler.
How to Get an Athletic Scholarship free download
The Athletic Scholarship Playbook (releasing in Kindle and paperback formats on Amazon August 3).
Many families fail in the recruiting process before they get out of the gate.
Their athlete isn't getting on coaches' radars because they've made a poor impression on coaches. If a coach is turned off or doesn't even know an athlete exists, that's a dead end.
In Jon Fugler's upcoming new book, "The Athletic Scholarship Playbook," he dedicates a full chapter on how to make a good first impression.
In this episode, Jon examines one piece of that puzzle and leaves you with solid information that you can apply right away. This is the first in a two-part series, because Jon wants to dig deep enough for the information to be valuable.
In this episode, you get to preview the content coming in his new book, releasing August 3 on Amazon.
"How to Get an Athletic Scholarship" free download
Don't trust your scholarship future to someone else.
That's Jon Fugler's key statement and principle as he shares how you can take control of your recruiting campaign.
Whether you're just getting started, or stalled, or needing fresh input, the five things Jon brings you will keep the recruiting process in your control In fact, his final point is one that assures you will never get stalled and that you'll move forward consistently.
Jon also shares about his new book, which comes out on Amazon August 1. He needs your help finalizing the title.
This summer can be life-changing for one of the biggest decisions your family will make-- where to send our student-athlete to college. Jon makes sure you're "in the zone."
Will you do Jon a favor? Share this podcast with other athletes and parents. Help them out like Jon has helped you.
Email your suggestions to Jon about his book title
How to Get an Athletic Scholarship free download
The Recruit-Me Athletic Scholarship System
Maximize the summer recruiting season. But where do you start?
In this episode, Jon Fugler helps you dig into the all-important first step. It's not something you can gloss over or do flippantly. You need to do this thoroughly so your next actions will fall into place.
Jon encourages you to commit the next two months to your recruiting. If you do, then by the end of the summer you'll be ahead of families that decided to "just take the summer off."
This episode will help you see that recruiting is doable on your own. And it can be an exciting, enjoyable process. Challenging, but achievable. You'll lay a foundation for the next several months.
Athletic Scholarship University
How to Get an Athletic Scholarship-- Free Download
Free Bonus: Three Coaching Calls with Jon Fugler
Getting an athletic scholarship is one of the biggest dreams an athlete can have. At this moment, there are hundreds of thousands of high school athletes who are pursuing that dream.
But dreams turned into reality result in success. When it comes to an athletic scholarship, it's a tough road that requires more than wishful thinking.
In this episode, you'll meet Dean Patino, a man who turned his sports business dream into reality. He'll share things that parallel your scholarship journey.
Dean is a highly successful entrepreneur with a fascinating story. He will encourage you and stretch you. He has learned a lot in the past couple decades and has words of wisdom for athletes and parents today.
Free Bonus: Three Coaching Calls for Recruit-Me Premium Families
Vote on a Title for Jon's new recruiting book
Free download: How to Get an Athletic Scholarship
If you've listened to the two previous episodes, you know the #1 secret to getting an athletic scholarship.
In this episode, part 3, Jon Fugler helps you discover the best system for you. This varies from family to family, and Jon gives you five things to consider as you choose yours.
A system is critical for success. More than that, the right system is a must. Without a quality system that meets your particular needs, you can spin your wheels in the recruiting process.
You have a lot of choices as to which system to adopt for your pursuit. By the end of this episode, you'll have the tools to make that decision.
Also, be looking for an opportunity to help Jon create the title for his upcoming book on athletic scholarships.